Here are the photos taken on the first day. Due to some stupid problems, I can't arrange the photos in order.
Taiwan was a great place. We went to Taipei, Hualien, Taidong, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Taichung and back to Taipei again. The weather was perfect. Much better than Singapore's horibbly humid and warm climate. I miss Taiwan.
For the next few days I shall try to upload photos in order. With a sudden feeling of sadness which I think is connected to leaving Taiwan and with homework, life;s hell right now...
Darrell Tay. 16. Chinese Singaporean. Normal, ordinary guy. Covered by shadows casted by others. Loves my guitar, heavy metal and darkness. Or rather, I've been used to it. You can probably find photos in the archives, but I take no responsibility if your computer screen's damaged. :)
My blog is four years old! I never stuck to a blog this long before :)